Micro Takaful insurance is considered an important incentive for the protection and financing of micro enterprise\nand low income families. Therefore, it encourages banks to finance these micro enterprises. Micro Takaful insurance\nmainly supports protecting micro enterprises by using Micro Takaful insurance to aid in financing these enterprises which\nresults in higher return on investment and growth in developing countries.\nMicro Takaful insurance should be the corner stone for development in developing countries since it provides the\navailability to finance catastrophe victims and supporting micro enterprises mainly in agriculture industry. Also, it targets\nthe people living in isolated areas or in difficult living circumstances by supporting them in facing the risks they face, and\nas a result, it is an effective tools for facing poverty in developing countries.\nIt is fair to say that the success of micro finance- which is certainly supported by Micro Takaful insurance- is a\npositive indicator on the availability of protecting the poor people, saving their investments in an economical way,\nand supporting social security networks. We remind Takaful Insurance Companies that by practicing in Micro Takaful\ninsurance, they are performing their social responsibility towards the society they live in.\nWe will study Micro Takaful insurance through the following sections:\nSection One: Micro Takaful Insurance: its definition, origin, importance and benefits.\nSection Two: Micro Takaful Insurance: covered risks and its characteristics.\nSection Three: The importance of Micro Takaful Insurance for micro enterprise finance.\nSection Four: Micro Takaful Insurance�s international experience and its marketing methods.\nSection Five: Micro Takaful Insurance�s future, success requirements and challenges.\nSection Six: Results and Recommendations.